Saturday, May 9, 2009

Top 10 E-Mail Marketing Mistakes

Email marketing can be very cost-effective and productive if handled correctly. The proper approach to email starts with an ethical, well-thought-out plan and typically requires a little more time and effort than most email marketers realize.
Common mistakes include:
1. You do not have a permission-based mailing list. Unless you have the recipient's permission, you may be sending spam, which is against the law. Too many business owners take shortcuts and buy e-mail lists or compile them in unethical manners, such as harvesting them from the Web. Spam also hurts the reputation of your business. The CAN-SPAM Act provides strict requirements about what you can and cannot do; for more information, go to the Federal Trade Commission Web site.
2. Your content is poor or nonexistent. The more ads your e-mails contain, the faster people will hit delete them. E-mail marketers frequently send nothing of value to the reader. Just as people accept advertising and promotion in a magazine because they want to read the content, the same principle holds true in e-mail. You need to provide them with something that they desire. Interesting and topical content, albeit brief, should hold their attention long enough for you to market yourself successfully.
3.Your emails are full of errors. The amount of errors found in e-mails is astonishing — words
misspelled, poor grammar, links that do not work, and so on. These missteps, however slight, all signal a lack of professionalism. They can be easily avioded with some careful editing; don't let these avoidable mistakes happen.
4. You make readers jump through hoops. If you want someone to subscribe to an e-mail newsletter or sign up for updates about your product or service, do not make them fill out endless online forms, click through multiple pages, and provide unnecessary information. The more difficult you make it, the less likely they will be to subscribe. All you really need is their permission and their e-mail address.
5.Your "from" and "subject" lines are poorly chosen. Pay particular attention to the "from" and "subject" lines, because often people will determine that they do not know the e-mail sender and delete it immediately. Be clear: The "from" line should be the exact company or newsletter name with which they signed up. The subject line can be the name of the newsletter or a well-thought-out, brief headline that grabs their attention.
6.You do not test them first. Too often marketers learn the hard way — by lack of response — that their marketing strategy could have been better. E-mail newsletters are a perfect medium for testing different tacks. Before sending to your entire e-mail list, test out several subject lines, different content, and a few types of graphics and designs on a small number of people. You can tell how many e-mails were opened and which test group received the most responses.
7. You do not call to action. You can't get results without a clear call to action. Do you want the reader to go to your Web site? Print out a page and send or fax it in? Buy something? Whatever you want them to do, make it clear and simple.
8.You have not included landing pages. You need to pay attention to the key pages that people land on when they click on a link from your e-mail. All too often, it is mistakenly assumed that customers want to jump right to a shopping cart; in many cases, they are dumped on your homepage to find their way around. Take a lesson from Amazon — provide a landing page with more information for each product or service.
9. Your graphics are overkill.Too many graphics, slow downloads, graphics that overshadow your message, and attachments will turn off readers. Again, keep it concise and simple.
10.You don't give the people what they want. Too many newsletters focus on generic material or are all about your business. Give people something they can use — for example, provide information that makes them want to do business with you. Readers want to know what's in it for them. (source :

Friday, May 8, 2009

Five steps for ongoing e-mail marketing success.

There was a time, not so long ago, when e-mail marketing was the Golden Child of the internet. Early adopting smart marketers realized the power of this new medium--personalized communications that were immediate, measurable and relatively inexpensive to deploy.
Unfortunately, the spammers of the world also recognized that power and exploited it. Even some traditionally ethical marketers were lured by cheap "optin" lists that could reach a million people or more overnight.
Have spammers ruined the medium? For those looking to use e-mail marketing as a first point of contact, yes. For those practicing relationship marketing, definitely not. People continue to sign up for e-mail newsletters and appreciate invaluable information they can rely on--especially information they may otherwise not be able to easily and consistently obtain in print.
However, like any maturing communications platform, the rules of the game are increasingly complex and require careful planning and strategic execution. Here are five recommendations for creating sustainable e-mail marketing success.
1. The internet is Darwin for information. Don't be a dodo bird. More than ever, people have countless choices when seeking information. Our information-driven economy has created an environment where people have limited time and attention spans. They can Google, Yahoo! and MSN, and once they find the sites containing information they're seeking, they can sign up to receive the e-mail newsletter. If that newsletter doesn't provide remarkably good information, unsubscribing is a mere click away.
Further, it doesn't take long to reach the e-mail newsletter threshold. There are only so many e-mail newsletters any one individual can reasonably consume. People have become loyal to newsletters that provide consistently good information and have little tolerance if a newsletter begins to lose focus or lack the quality of information they've grown accustomed to.
2. People have no time. Keep it short. Great e-mail newsletters are very digestible. Articles appearing directly in the newsletter should be relatively short, and longer articles should appear as an abstract or contain only the first one or two paragraphs with a "Continue" link that will take a reader to the publisher's website to read the full story. This practice allows people to scan the contents to quickly determine which articles appeal to them.
3. Avoid the spam trap. When you distill the legalese, the CAN-SPAM law provides some pretty common-sense ground rules for practicing e-mail marketing. However, this law will do very little to curb the spam onslaught. Therefore, don't expect corporate America or major ISPs to relax their spam filters anytime soon. Some tips for getting the e-mail to the in-box:
The "From" address should match the sending domain.
* Use an e-mail marketing provider or software that collects undeliverable e-mail and records this information so undeliverable e-mails are not reattempted on subsequent campaigns.
* Use an e-mail marketing provider or software that will scan your newsletter before sending to identify words or phrases that could trigger spam filters, giving you the opportunity to edit these terms.
* Ask recipients to place the "From" e-mail you use for your newsletter in their address book. This will bypass filtering rules created in Outlook 2003, AOL 9.0, and other e-mail clients and providers.
4. Get permission. All of your website forms (sign-up forms, customer log-ins, registrations, and check-out pages if you use e-commerce) are opportunities to ask people if you can e-mail them. Leverage these resources wisely. If you're using print-based direct marketing, direct them to the web so you can capture their interests.
5. Don't abuse your lists. Be respectful of how often you're e-mailing your recipients. It's important that you aren't sending e-mail too frequently with too little to say. Less is more. Unless your recipients expect a daily or weekly e-mail, one or two per month is tolerable. Depending on your subject matter, a quarterly might work better. (by Albert,david)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

How Valuable is Your Email?

I'm not talking about calculating the monetary value of an email address this time, or even the lifetime value of your email subscribers.
Instead, how valuable is your email to your readers? Do you offer them something unique, necessary to their daily living, something they anticipate each time? Or does your email give off a whiff of "same old same old" or "buy buy buy"?
Put yourself in your reader's shoes and look at the last email message you sent out. Why would that reader ever want to get another message from you?
This is really the heart of deliverability. When you send email messages that your readers want to read, that they anticipate and that speaks to their needs and wants, they will overlook all kinds of problems just to see what you have said.
Getting to this Nirvana position is not so easy. In fact, you have to know your customers inside and out. Not only that, but you also have to make sure you do nothing to get in the way of your email and distract them from your actual value.

Why Email is Still Worth the Effort ?
No matter how often some pundit declares email dead, it's a fact that value-laden permission email does work. The latest report from database marketing firm Merkle noted these two key findings based on its annual consumer survey, "View from the Inbox”:
50% of respondents had bought something based on a permission email message, up 3 percentage points from the previous year.
50% also said a company that "does a good job with email" influenced their purchase decision.
Conversely, a negative experience can drive customers away:
32% said they stopped doing business with at least one company because of its poor email practices.
We talk a lot about how to improve your deliverability by using opt-in, managing your reputation, segmenting lists, optimizing content and testing, but it all boils down to this: provide demonstrated value in each email.
Promote Email Value Throughout the Relationship
It would be nice to think your email program's value would be so obvious that readers would see it in each message. Alas, we live in the real world, so we know we have to sell the value at all points in the email relationship, and even before it begins officially.
Promote your email value at these crucial touchpoints (Need more info on each of these? Find resources at the end of this article):
1. Your home page
This is your first chance to sell potential subscribers on your email value. "Sign up for email updates" and a link doesn't begin to hint at what they will receive if they hand over their email address.
"Join our site now and receive email-only discounts and advance sale notices" makes the value clear and begins to set subscriber expectations.
Not just your homepage, either, but every page of your Web site should invite visitors to join your party. You can tailor the invitation to suit the atmosphere of each page if you want. The most important thing is to make sure readers know they are welcome and that they will receive benefits not available to the casual site visitor.
2. Your registration page
This is your showcase, the best location to explain the benefits of signing up for email, including the kinds of email you send, how often and what the content entails.
All too often, though, companies who otherwise have an excellent email program give this short shrift. They rarely dedicate a page solely to the value of their email program.
Instead, they slap up a checkbox and a one-sentence value statement more focused on the subscription function itself.
These elements convey your email value proposition more effectively:
a. Explanation of benefits (what's in it for them)
b. Privacy policy (assurance that you'll treat their email address responsibly)
c. Preference choices (increases message relevance)
d. Sample messages (subscribers see what they're getting)
e. Links, images and transactions (subscribing, confirming, even unsubscribing) that work reliably each timef.
Graphic design that models the email message template to help readers recognize it more quicklyg. A thank-you page that appears immediately after subscribing that acknowledges the subscription, restates the subscription elements and the value of your email, provides instructions on how to confirm the request, asks subscribers to add your sender email address to address books or contact lists with directions for the major ISPs or email providers, links to key locations on your Web site and links to key areas including your privacy policy and unsubscribe form.
With all of this information, be careful not to come on too strong by asking for too many details up front. Get just what you need to start the relationship, and then go back in the next phase to flesh out a profile or preferences.
A note on add-to-address-book instructions: Your email template probably lists these in every message you send. Trouble is, waiting even for the welcome message to deliver these instructions is too late.
Instead, be sure to post these on your thank-you page. If you post them on the sign-up page, they'll get lost in all the other business your subscribers are doing to get their messages going. If you wait until you send the welcome message (see next section), this all-important message could get lost or routed to junk, and you will have missed a key opportunity to build your relationship with your reader.
3. Your welcome program
This is another opportunity that too many companies waste with a simple "you are subscribed" message. Accurate enough, but it does nothing to remind subscribers about what they signed up for and what value your message brings.
When you launch a welcome program, you capitalize on your newest and most enthusiastic subscribers. Enthusiastic, yes, but not yet engaged. The welcome program brings them into the fold and helps them get up to speed quickly.
It consists of two parts:
1. The welcome message, sent immediately upon confirmation2. The welcome program, a short cycle of emails that offer special benefits outside of your regular program emails.
The Welcome Message
This welcome message, sent immediately after opt-in confirmation, has become a generally accepted best practice for conveying value before you mail your very first program email.
The ideal welcome message includes these elements:
1. Subject line that welcomes the new subscriber2. Personal greeting if you capture name at opt-in3. Restatement of the email content, frequency and format the subscriber chose4. Link to privacy policy, customer support and unsubscribe5. Instructions on adding your sender address to address books or contact lists6. Design that delivers key information in text, not images. This ensures that the subscriber can view it in the preview with images turned off, as well as in full view with images showing.7. Links to any incentives you offered (use links rather than attachments that could trigger blocking)8. Link to your current newsletter or offer9. Invitation to return to your Web site to fill out a profile or preference page.
The Welcome Program
The optimum welcome program includes these elements:
1. The current newsletter issue or offer if you don't link to it in your welcome program2. The subscription incentive if you didn't deliver it in the welcome message3. Quick explanations of how to use your Web site or your service4. Invitation to fill out a profile or preference page along with a benefit statement5. Survey of subscriber attitudes and expectations to assess how well you're performing6. A subtle reminder of when the next message will be coming so they can look for it.
The value of your email program should shine through in each message, reminding subscribers of what they signed up for and that they need to open each message or they’ll miss out.
4. Regular Program Emails
These are the regular emails you send as part of an established programming cycle. However, if all you do is sell, sell, sell, you'll wear out or bore your reader. And, a bored reader is one that is likely to click the report-spam button to make you go away, especially if they don't trust your unsubscribe to work.
These elements help remind subscribers about your email program's value:
a. Email-only discounts (one-time or permanent, only for subscribers)b. Invitations to fill out surveys or complete profilesc. Directions on how to use products or to contact company repsd. Account statements, membership numbers and links to key functions at your Web sitee. Company or product newsf. Changes that affect their email subscriptionsg. Links to blog articles and requests for reader comments.
5. Transactional emails
Naturally, the first job of a transactional email is to confirm an action, deliver an account statement, ask for a payment or conduct other business. However, you can remind subscribers of your email value here, too, provided you keep the focus on the transaction.
To do this, put the business in the top half to two-thirds of the message content, then put your email value proposition and a subscription link in the bottom third to half. This is also called putting it "below the fold," a reference to a standard broadsheet newspaper page where the most important stories go up in the top half, above the fold.
6. Mid-cycle messages
You don't want to wear out your list by sending more email than you promised. However, a carefully chosen and timed message sent between campaigns, or in the middle of a publishing schedule, can restate and refine.
Use these messages to remind subscribers, especially less active ones, about email benefits or account details to bring them back into the fold. Invite them to update their profiles. Send a short survey. Offer incentives for referrals. Explain any program changes that could affect their subscriptions.
Final Word: Emphasizing Value is Easy
It might sound as if you have to overhaul your messages to make the value clear, but you might need just a simple retooling.
Put yourself in your subscribers' shoes again, and see where you can add information or functionality, improve design or boost convenience. Never waste another chance to remind your subscribers of all the benefits they have coming.
(Written by Stefan Pollard)

Friday, April 24, 2009

ten easy steps dredge commission as affiliate marketer

One complaint often expressed is the difficulty affiliate marketers get a commission. It is the product of others is very difficult to be seen. In fact, vice versa! Very easy. You need not be bothered to make their own products with the didahului research and trinkets of all other work. Task you simply connect between the prospective buyer with the product. That's it. This time I will be brief moment-the moment is often used by top world-class affiliate. They only just over ten count. Not difficult and not be bothered. And, clearly, can you feel the results immediately ...

1.Find a friend first. Join the chatroom of the topic related to the product you pasarkan. Do not directly ask for promotional products and other people buy your products. But how? The first time, when you get a friend online in there, try for a relationship first. Chat-chat and discuss the light of their respective interests. Well, after you feel quite "close" with a friend is online, then you say that you are now marketing the products.

2.Create a free ebook. Do not forget in a free ebook that you install the ads and affiliate links your web site. Free ebook already too popularity of late. Anyone who would like to dive here certainly offer free ebook to their buyers. So, you must be sharp. Make an ebook that theme is only interesting for your target market. Because only those who need your product that will become your customers. Moreover, if the title you sodorkan very provocative. Surely they berbondong-crowd to download. In addition, you can collect in this ebook ebook directory.

3.Create a directory affiliate program itself. To create a directory affiliate, the first time you can join first with a number of affiliate programs. If you need to join as many affiliate programs. Then, create a list of affiliate this format in the directory. Well, after that you please advertise the directory that you created.

4.Create your own affiliate ads. Ad affiliate product you should be different from existing ones. Even if the product owner may have an ad format that provides easy to live your post, but I suggest you better create your own. Pertimbangannya, to further emphasize the unique promo that you do. Of course, copywriting and design become a critical element that determines the success of your ad pairs. And no doubt will need to replace it with a new ad format, ad that if you install the results are less satisfactory.

5.Place recognition (testimony) of your personal. If you buy the affiliate product you are pasarkan now, just use your own top of the affiliate's product. Tell all the people on the benefits of what you feel and what results you get after using the product. Say, how quickly you get results from these products. Make sure all the products that will marvel you pasarkan. This testimony can be made other than in the form of advertising, you can also enter in your article.

6.Create a business card that contains electronic ad products that you pasarkan. You can create electronic business cards that you bubuhi advertising your products. Although ruangnya limited, but if you can make an interesting headline ads, can still suck up the visitor's attention.

7.Make a link exchange. You can switch each link with your affiliate website another. But make sure they do not offer similar products. Should select the website to market your products complement.

8.introduce in the forum. Make sure you post regularly, either to ask or answer a question another member. And, try to paste your affiliate link every post.

9.Create a free ezine. By creating your own ezine you can advertise affiliate program you are taking. Then, collect your ezine in the ezine directories online. Furthermore, promote this ezine in your own web site yourself. Ezine potentially free up traffic for many high-need the information in it.

10.Make a web site owner's duplicate your product to the buyer. If it is already usual compliment ebook, you can remember a web site to duplicate the buyer of your link. Duplicate web sites that contain the exact same web site owners product. Only difference will be their affiliate link. In this way, prospective buyers will be very happy to join your affiliate's link.
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Affiliate Marketing Programs - Choosing the Right One for Your Home Based Business

There are several options available to home based business owners when it comes to affiliate marketing programs. These are effective in increasing income used to operate the business, as well as increase customer bases.
Affiliate marketing programs were developed in order to allow one company or website to market another's products for profit. These profits are typically paid as commissions on sales as a result of visitor click-throughs. Home based business owners simply enroll in a program, post a link to the affiliate's 'pitch page' for the product or service on a website, blog or forum posting, then collect commissions from sales on a weekly or monthly basis.
However, not every affiliate marketing program is created equally. Depending upon your individual online marketing goals, your affiliate marketing program should be selected to help reach them. Some important factors to consider include the type of affiliate product you're considering, the commission or pay scale for sales, and any requirements of the affiliate in order to enter into the program.
Most home based business owners target a niche market of customers in order to avoid unnecessary competition and service a void that currently exists in the market. When choosing a proper affiliate marketing program, this target market must be considered. Even if you choose a well-known affiliate that pays a 90% commission, it may not be the best choice if it has nothing to do with the purpose of your home based business.
Consider your customers and visitors, and what types of products or services they may be interested in. Even if you are only able to find affiliate marketing programs that pay a very small commission or dollar amount per sale, you will still be far better off selecting relevant affiliates; you'll most likely realize higher sales, and thus a higher income.
Most affiliate marketing programs will pay quite a generous commission - 50 to 75% is not uncommon. Another important consideration is whether there are subsequent commissions for repeat sales or subscriptions. A magazine or service may offer residual commissions when customers renew with them - this creates greater passive income levels that can only contribute to a more successful home based business.
You'll also need to consider how easy it will be to market your affiliate to your visitors. Although affiliate marketing partners will offer the sales pitch when a link is followed to their site, you will need to create content that influences them to do so. Of course, these customers should also be well aware of the link they're about to visit; if they don't realize they will be offered a product or service, they most likely won't buy.
Consider all of these factors - commission and income levels, types of affiliates available, and your methods of online marketing - to help you choose the best affiliate marketing program for your home based business. (by.Donnie Benda)

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Ten Step Evaluating Brand The market is a brand engagement, brand competition is dominant. Businesses and investors will regard the assets as the most valuable company. A brand is unique. Build and manage brand equity has become a priority for any company, in all types of industries, and in all types of market. Build and manage well will increase consumer loyalty and profitability. A business-oriented market where mensegmenkan has been the target market and track the behavior of consumers through segmentation is in best position to build a successful brand. The first step in building a brand identity is positioning the product determine the expected value and the preposition (preposition value) for a specific target market. Without this specification, the process of determining the identity of the brand will be fading fast, and only stuck on the product features rather than benefits to consumers. Brand management strategy is absolutely necessary in order to form a taktikal a more systematic and planned.
Strategic Brand Management (Craven, 2003) Every initiatif brand management is shown in the picture 1 can have any positive or negative impact on the value of a brand. Emphasize the importance of brand equity value brand and identify the key dimensions of equity. Constitutes the equity to build the brand from time to time. Analysis of strategies to provide critical information to decide each issue on the activities of brand management. Include market analysis, consumer behavior, competitors, and information for all activities merek.Setelah brand management strategy needs to be done and the evaluation strategy in the form of tracking brand performance. Evaluation system in the product brand (portfolio) requires tracking the performance of each product. Management should have a goal of performance measurement and performance measurement reference product. A qualitative method known as the brand score card to help managers to measure brand performance systematically. This method uses the characteristics of the ten most. The characteristics of this reference will be made in assessing the performance of brands. Qualitative methods are expected to become the basis for deciding anything related to evaluate the brand and also monitor the brand from time to time. The determination of score each item based on your perception. By using the scale from 0 to 20 (very bad to very good) and image in the form of a bar chart to facilitate the analysis. Use bar charts to direct discussion with the associate brand management. So how will help to identify areas which need improvement, areas where the winner, and learn more in-depth description of how the actual product or a brand in the portfolio. To help determine the score, below is a guide for managers or associate the brand management to provide a score on each item.
1.Brand is able to provide the benefits that real consumer needs. What you're trying to mengobservasi consumer wants and needs that can not yet fulfilled? Through what method? Do not put your attention on the consumer experience of products and services offered? Do you have a system where the consumer can provide comments on experience using the products and services?
2.Brand is still relevant. Do you have invested to improve the product in order to add value for consumers? Do you know the exact taste of the consumers? On market conditions at this time, is all your marketing decisions based on these things?
3.Strategy based on the value price of dipersepsikan consumers. Whether the company has to optimize price, costs, and quality to meet and even exceed what the consumer expected? Do you have a system to monitor changes in perception of the value of your brand? Are you estimate how much you trust to the consumer product brand you?
4.Positioned with the right brand. Do you have things that are required as basic pembeda to compete with your competitors? What is point of different has been successfully understood by consumers as their awareness of the product on the market?
5.Consistency marketing program does not cause a confusing message and did not occur during this? Conversely, is there any adjustment program with the current situation?
6.Brand portfolio and hierarchy . how can create a company brand umbrella for all brands in the portfolio, is every brand in the portfolio has a separate role? How ekstensifnya overlap between brands? In which area? Vice versa, if the market already includes the most? Do you have a hierarchy where the brand is not easy and can be understood well?
7.Brand and coordinate the entire list of marketing activities to build equity to you choose and design a brand name, logo, symbol, slogan, packaging, and others to maximize the brand awarness? Did you integrate the activities of marketing push and pull to reach the distribution and consumer, is all marketing activities can be understood properly, is managing the implementation of each activity and find out the activity with one another? mengkapitalisasi Do you have a unique ability in the selection of communication that will not remove the sense of a brand that is displayed?
8.Brand managers understand what the meaning of the user.ho to you know what is preferred and not preferred by the consumers of your brand? All you if you know the marketing team members and what has been done to the brand, whether that comes from companies and foreign companies, is your have made a boundary-based scheme for the extension of consumer behavior and brand preferences for the marketing program?.
9.Brand support the operation and maintained in the long term. Are success and failure of the marketing program can be understood before the program was changed, is less R & D to provide dukunganya? Already have the desire to reduce marketing support as a reaction to a weakening market, or fall sales figures?
10.Company monitoring sources of brand equity. Do you make an audit to assess performance and to design the strategic goal? Whether you regularly conduct studies to evaluate the current market conditions? Whether you regularly distribute reports that brand equity be at all the research and relevant information to assist marketers in deciding something Do you have clearly assigned responsibilities to monitor and maintain the brand equity?
In the end, the strength of brands lies in consumers' minds, where they feel and learn about brand from time to time. Consumer knowledge is the "heart" brand equity. This realization has an important impact on management. The imaginative, brand equity to help marketers in the bridge and the strategy of the future. So, whatever money has been spent not be seen as an expenditure, but investment-investment that consumers know, feel, remember, believe, and think about the brand-to the consumer will decide, based on the beliefs and attitudes towards their brand. Marketers who build strong brands already know the concept and use it to refine, implement, and communicate their marketing strategy.
REFERENCES Aaker, D. A. (1991), Managing Brand Equity. Capitalizing on the Value of a Brand Name, The Free Press. New York Best, R. J. (2005), Market-Based Management: Strategies for Growing Customer Value and Profitability, 4th ed., Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ Cravens, D. W. and N. F. Piercy (2003), Strategic Marketing, 7th ed., McGraw-Hill/Irwin, New York Keller, LK, (2001), The Brand Report Card, Harvard Business Review on Marketing, Harvard Business School Publishing, Boston

Friday, April 17, 2009

four affiliate strategy makes you right into the forefront of

View now affiliate program that is circulating on the internet, the number continues to grow. Products and services offered also vary. The more affiliate programs that are launched to make the busy internet business. But each one a new affiliate program, you have new competitors. So that you can win, but it is not possible that you lose You may be worried that their presence will affect your product sales. It can even market your diserobot. And how to face?

1.Make your site or blog that complement each other to face the competition of the more strict, you need to create some web sites or blogs that are interconnected. Web site that one must have a relationship with the other, although the content is different. For example, one web site to sell your product, you can create a blog about farming tips. If you sell software, you can also lyrics to create a web site on the computer. Both are related right?

2.Look for affiliate web sites that have blogs or related product you If you market products to women, try a search for affiliate blog that for example have about women. Can also exploring cooperation with the forum related to your product. Basically, find a web site or anything related to your product. And made them as affiliate or place your campaign.

3.make you wake up as a visitor, and most network Juri objective to assess your web site is a visitor. So when you want to do something on your web site, you as a visitor. When you need information about internet business, such as what you do? Maybe you think to type 'internet business' in the search engine. So, you must be sharp in making the keywords that visitors search through many search engines. Then, also note carefully the scope of business-related business. For example, you write the tool. Not mean that the scope of your business just around the stationery, but it can also books, office equipment, and other. You can build a network for mutual cooperation with the product.

4.Enter to the directory of affiliate programs Some of the directory containing the data have affiliate programs. Make sure your affiliate program entry in it. In order for your campaign and focus on the more knowledgeable. With this four-way you need not fear the If you have other ideas, please add it here. We discussed together.(

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Marketing Secrets for Small Business Owners - By Michael Fleischner Marketing Expert, Internet Marketing Secrets*

If you're a small business owner, you're probably wondering where you can get the biggest bang for the buck with your marketing dollars. As a veteran marketing professional and small business owner myself, I understand the importance of making the most from a limited marketing budget.The good news for today's small business owner is that the Internet and local advertising can provide targeted reach at a reasonable cost. In particular, email, Internet marketing, and classified advertising, can generate huge returns for your business.* Email Marketing. Each year, nearly 20 billion emails are sent to consumers and businesses. As many as 60 percent of these emails are considered SPAM and about 20% are automatically tagged as such - making their way into the SPAM mailbox of your everyday email client.However, what most email marketers fail to tell you is that the most productive email solicitations don't come from businesses, they come from word-of-mouth or viral marketing. Viral marketing is the practice of telling others about a positive experience with a brand, product or service.As a small business owner, you can take advantage of email marketing by simply encouraging those who receive your emails to forward them to a friend. Also, tag your web pages with a "tell a friend" button which allows for easy emailing of a web page, URL, PDF, or related document. These features cost little or nothing to implement and can generate impressive results.*
Internet Marketing. Often the topic of Internet marketing scares off small business owners. However, Internet marketing itself can be an effective tool if leveraged appropriately. There are a variety of Internet marketing mediums. These options include "pay-for" Internet marketing options such as Google AdSense, the Yahoo! Directory and so on as well as free or cost neutral options.In Internet marketing, there are a couple of techniques that are highly effective and cost little or nothing to implement. The first and most popular is article marketing. Are you a subject matter expert? If you are, provide articles to other well known websites that can get your company name and URL out there. This can be done for free and provides the added benefit of having other sites link to your website, increasing your site's link popularity scores.The second Internet marketing strategy that can drive you business is an affiliate program. At its most basic level, an affiliate program allows other website or companies to sell your products and receive a commission. Explore affiliate programs that can help distribute your products or services.* Classified Advertising. Still one of the best and most affordable ways to sell your product, classified advertising can be effective if you run your ad for multiple weeks. For as little as $30 per week or less, you can get your company name, product, website, or other unique identifier in front of a local audience.Weekly papers are especially good if you are targeting a small area. These local papers are also well read - often cover to cover. So, if you want to advertise, forget the large display ads, magazine ads, or anything that costs more than $100. Spend your money on classified ads and measure the response.Marketing doesn't have to break the bank for the small business owner. In fact, it should be seen as an important way to drive revenue for your business. If you have little or no money to spend on marketing, be sure to take advantage of email marketing, Internet marketing, and classified ads to drive the success of your business. Also, make sure that everything you distribute (letters, invoices, business cards, and even your voicemail) mentions your company name and website.* Michael Fleischner is an Internet marketing expert and the president of, the Internet’s biggest source of marketing information and free marketing resources. He has more than 12 years of marketing experience and has appeared on The TODAY Show, Bloomberg Radio, and other major media. Visit for further details, Marketing Blog Directory, or more FREE reprint articles

Friday, March 27, 2009

Internet Marketing Helps Your Home Based Business through the Tough Times

As a home based business owner, you already know that customers are the source of your success and the basis of your business. When times get tough, it's important to maintain Internet marketing efforts and strengthen relationships with existing customers.
Email marketing campaigns are a great and inexpensive way to do this; it's an ideal time to encourage your customers to keep doing business with you, and remind prospects that still haven't bought from you that there is an existing relationship with your home based business.
It's not necessary to hire an entire staff to undertake your Internet marketing plan - especially in today's economy, when everyone is trying to save a buck. The simplest marketing plans can be performed by even the least Internet-savvy individuals, saving your home based business significant funds in overhead expenses.
When writing your email marketing campaign to send to your existing contacts and customers, think about what type of position they are likely in right now. What type of promotional offer is likely to make them 'jump?' Designing these offers is one of the most important steps - there's no sense in spending time and energy on an email marketing campaign that doesn't produce some results.
You may want to offer discounts, free access to seminars, or package purchase discounts. Also remember that your email marketing messages should include more than simply what you want the customer to buy.
Write a special report about recent trends in your home based business's industry that is both informational and educational. You may also consider something like a how-to guide, FAQs, or parts of a recent white paper that will interest your customers.
The only way to determine the value of an email marketing program is to track any sales or activity that is a result of it. If the campaign produces nothing, then it isn't worth the time and energy as it's written; it might be a good idea to hire a professional sales writer at that time.
You can track your results of each Internet marketing campaign employed, and should make this an automatic behavior as soon as sending email marketing messages out to your list of contacts.
If you take the time and effort to compose and send a quality email marketing campaign, this is a great and inexpensive way to produce real income from existing contacts, without ever spending a dime on names' lists. This one activity could help to keep your home based business afloat during even the toughest times when everyone's hoarding their cash and refusing to spend it. (by.Donnie Benda)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

How to generate traffic using FREE methods. Earn $10,000 monthly as an affiliate

Putting up a company would of course require a lot of things, to get straight to the point, you need capital. To make money requires money as well. But of course, with the versatility the internet offers, there are many ways you could find that could help optimize the potential of your site or business in generating traffic.
While there are ways to jumpstart your traffic flows, many sites don't have the resources that others have to generate more traffic for your site. Well, you don't have to spend a cent; all you need is the proper mindset and a lot of eagerness. You also must have the drive and perseverance to do hard work and research to generate more traffic for your site.
How sweet it is to have more traffic for your site without spending a single cent. Now it's a sure thing that many sites have articles that offer tips and guidelines in how to generate traffic using only free methods. Because it is possible, you don't need to spend a single cent, it may take time, to say honestly, I'm not going to beat around the bush with you. You get better chances by paying for your advertisements, but at least you get a fighting chance with some of these free methods I'm about to tell you.
Take advantage of online forums and online communities. The great thing about forums and online communities is that you can target a certain group that fits the certain demographic that you are looking for. You can discuss about lots of things about the niche that you represent or offer. Another great advantage is that you know what you are getting into and you will be prepared.
With online communities and forums you can build a reputation for your company. Show them what you are made of and wow them with your range of expertise about the subject, with that you can build a reputation and build trust with the people in your expertise and knowledge.
You can also make use of newsletters. Provide people with a catalogue of your products and interesting and entertaining articles. If you make it really interesting and entertaining, more people will sign up for your newsletter and recommend it to other people. The more people who signs up for your newsletter, the more people there will be that will go to your site increasing your traffic.
Another great idea is trading links with other sites. You don't have to spend a cent. All you have to do is reach an agreement with another webmaster. With exchanging links, the efforts both sites do will benefit both sites. Every traffic that goes to the site could potentially click on the link of your site and visit your site as well. This works well especially when both sites feature the same niche.
Write articles that could pique the attention of people that have interest in your product. Try writing articles that will provide tips and guides to other aficionados. Writing articles that provide good service and knowledge to other people would provide the necessary mileage your traffic flow needs.
Many sites offer free submission and posting of your articles. When people find interest in your articles they have a good chance of following the track by finding out where the article originated. Include a link or a brief description of your company with the article and there's a great probability that they will go to your site. Get FREE book at........
Write good content for your site. Many search engines track down the keywords and keyword phrases your site uses and how they are used. It is not a requirement that a content should be done by a professional content writer. You could do your own but you have to make content for your site that is entertaining as well as informational. It should provide certain requirements as well as great quality. Generally, internet users use search engines to find what they are looking for. Search engines in return use keyword searching in aiding their search results. With the right keywords, you could get high rankings in search engine results without the costs.
All of these methods and more will drive more traffic to your site for free. All it takes is a bit of effort and extended man hours. Learn all you can about the methods depicted here and you will soon have a site with a great traffic flow without the usual costs that come with it.
To your success (by.Leslie N Casemore)
Traffic generation with an amazing viral idea.......

Friday, March 13, 2009


Everything starts with a brand and a marketing strategy. If you already have a brand and strategy, we'll build on them to create a Web site that reflects your vision.
If you are just starting out, Virtual Consulting can help you with branding strategy, finding your target audience on the web and positioning your service or product in the online marketplace.
We will work with you to define the following

We will work with you to define the following :
1. Your Objective

What is the objective of your Web site? Is it strictly sales or are you launching a new image? Are you trying to retain your current customer base or do you see a new market opportunity?

2.Your Target Audience

Who is your target audience? Attracting your audience through the Internet is substantially different to appealing to the same group offline.
3.Your Online Competition

Who are your competitors? Will you compete with large, established companies or small niche companies?
4. Your Unique Advantages

What differentiates you from your business competitors?

Virtual Consulting will also provide suggestions for promoting your site through integration with offline marketing efforts We understand that clients sometimes need assistance in understanding the methods of online advertising and marketing available to them and which routes are likely to best achieve their objectives.
Virtual Consulting provides strategic online marketing advice services; pulling together your goals into a single online strategy. The strategy will encompass requirements, implementation, reporting and success measures.
The strategy will consider all methods of online advertising and marketing, from search engine marketing to email campaigns and affiliate programs.
Once the strategy has been approved, we will assist you in implementing that strategy and measuring its success.(

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

four key businesses to increase internet

Bored because of your internet business unremitting increase or increased? While you may feel is trying very hard. And may in the near future there are a myriad of needs that will suck your money. Relax ... I have the key. Please read carefully this post. Understand and really strived to improve the four key business internet income you have. Simply the following four key peningkat income internet business you must hold the freeze strived and continue to increase.

1.Traffic. The amount of traffic or visits to a blog or your website is way early to increase your internet business. From the high traffic, increase revenue opportunities you will be wide open. Example well. For example, each day there are 100 people visited the blog or your website, it is not possible then the product sales information for your 1000 transaction. Makes sense right? So traffic is a key early peningkat of your internet business. How do I get visitors? Some tipsnya please read here and here.
2.Conversion. Conversion is the key both to incresed earnings of your Internet business. From the high traffic that you can, then how big the transaction to be successfully changed, it is called a conversion. The importance of conversion was featured in the blog Businessman Mas and Ricky in
3.Large value transactions. The key is the third large value transactions. If the previous price of Rp 100 a product, how meningkatkannnya to Rp 200. By doing so, would the money gained more. Determine if the upset price of your initial product, please read how to determine the selling price of the product.
4.Frequency of Transactions. This fourth factor is suitable especially for products with the needs of routine and repetitive. Such as coffee Nikmato on Business Opportunities blog Cipta Mas Sumartono. You only have 1,000 people who purchase a product in the first month, and next month on each person improving transaction twice, the sales turnover has increased twofold. The buyers buy more often and longer, the greater the revenue obtained.

The four keys on the top of each other. Therefore, hold and give full attention to improve the four key peningkat income internet business is you(

Sunday, February 15, 2009

How to Get Started With Affiliate Marketing

Starting out as an affiliate marketer can seem like a tough thing to do. Most of the people on the internet want you to think it is, that way they can make more money on the sales that should be yours. I am here to tell you though, that it isn't tough at all. In fact, being an affiliate marketer is extremely relaxed and fun to do. Let me share my story.
So a few months ago I wanted to get into something to make more money. I was sick of seeing all of the people make their claims on the internet about how they were dirt poor and now they can afford my house and cars with their weekly income. I am sure you have seen these ads, they typically want your money to teach you how to do it. Hey, I guess that is part of their money making secrets right? Ok, so I digressed, I went online to see what the deal was though and was surprised by what I found.

There I was, pouring over website after website, promise after promise, and then I realized the underlying theme. Affiliate marketing! That's right! The secret isn't a secret at all. In fact, open a new internet window and do a Google search for it and you will see millions of articles. People are doing this all the time to supplement their incomes. College kids make enough to stay in school, some people have actually earned enough to retire. This is something to really look into, or so I told myself.

Then I was right at the spot you are now. I knew what I wanted to do (affiliate marketing) and I knew where I wanted to be (rich), but I had no idea how to get there. With a lot more research I learned that affiliate marketing is picking a product, promoting it, and then earning money. Sounds too easy, but that is the general overview of it. There are millions of products that you can choose from. They range from health and beauty to electronics.

The funnest thing about affiliate marketing is that the internet is your play ground. You can work from your pajamas (or worse). You can sign on whatever time you have. If you get off of work and take a nap, you won't lose your affiliate marketing job. You don't have to call in and you make money even while you are asleep. With all of the positive things that this offers, why do we continue to slave away at our current jobs? (oh yeah, the bills need to be paid until we are the annoying rich person)

Promoting a product is easier than you think and you are more capable than you ever thought. Don't let indecision or fear stand in your way, delve in and make the money you deserve. If you don't, I will. (by Chris Smith)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Online Marketing is a marketing communication activities using the Internet media. Initially, the pages static HTML format that can be accessed by Internet users. That was the beginning of the website that became a kind of 'online brochure' and even 'kantorkedua' for companies to display the teak itself to the world. On the growth of online marketing is not only the media websites, but also email and other applications that run on top of Internet protocol. As part of marketing activities using the Internet media, online advertising (advertising on the Internet) to study the interesting especially for marketers and business generally. What is advertising on the Internet? Initially, Internet advertising in the media is the material that has been running ads in the conventional media (television, magazines, newspapers) to the website. However, in its development, the characteristics of Internet media is able to maximize the results obtained through advertising activities on the Internet. This makes the media the Internet is now used as part of the mixture pamasaran (marketing mix) with a different approach, according to the characteristics of the media and the target audience who want to achieve. Activity commonly used in Internet advertising in the media is to install a banner (banner ad). However, a claim that the marketing communication is not complex enough just the way like that. It takes strategy, creativity and accuracy of measurement and the possibility that there mengkonvergensikan. For example, using the strategy through viral email marketing, developing product-specific site separate from the corporate site, webtorial design pages, create advert-gaming, synergize with mobile marketing, online surveys / polls, and other strategies. In addition to the above activities, advertising, advertising techniques also have a cheaper and efficient, that is to use search engines (Search Engine Otimization). With SEO, the website will be easily found in search engines and the higher the possibility to visit at this time because 80% internet users search for data by using a search engine as the basis for initial searches. There are still many other possibilities in the development of advertising on the Internet. Together online marketing consultant, you will be ready to realize the achievement markerting online campaign, you approach with an effective and efficient (

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Price is a reflection of the values defined by consumers. In a competition for the consumer, companies use tactics to defeat competitors. One of the tactics used is the price. By creating a cheaper price seems often to be the goal, but this would lead to decreasing profits the industry concerned.
Price war could create a situation of economic ruin and weaken the psychological costs that must be paid by individuals, companies and industry turunya advantage. No matter who is winning, all petarung look desperately for menghakhirinya than before they enjoy the competition. And finally, the price of war becomes a thing of the day. This is clearly visible in the telecommunications industry in Indonesia that is the price war situation. The reduction in prices, per-second billing, and free calls is the main provider of weapons to enter the telecommunications arena of competition. Little do they reveal about the service, quality, brand equity, and non-price factors that may increase the value of a product and services. Clearly seen that each competition is always based on price, and every reaction is always based on price-cutting.
Generally, price wars occur because there is suspicion that a certain price in the market is too high or the desire to gain market share in the cost of the margin. Price war became general manager as likely to see that the price of things that are easy, fast, and effective. By understanding the causes and characteristics, manejer can make decisions about when and how the price war, when to avoid, and when to begin
1. Show your strategic intention and capabilities
2.Compete in quality
3. Take advantage of the possibilities of cooperation
4. Use a complex price
5. Introduce new products
6. Use of interest rates
Using this information, menejemen need the flexibility to determine the price range and determine how to position relative to the cost price and allows as how the price of basic products.

Monday, February 2, 2009

How Does Affiliate Marketing work ?

Many who are new to making money online ask the question "how does affiliate marketing work?". Since this is the most popular method of making money on the internet, it is a easy to understand why so many people wonder. Here is some information that will help you realize why this is a favorite among online marketing.
Thousands, and perhaps millions of people have made a fortune with affiliate marketing. Many people earn six figures per year, and it is growing each day with the explosion of growth on the internet. Do you need a lot of money to get started? Hardly. In all actuality, you don't need any money at all. Here is a brief explanation.
How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?
1. You choose a niche that interests you. This could be jewelry, electronics, how to get rid of acne, fishing lures, online games, how to improve your golf swing, or any other topic you like.
2. Find a merchant that has the information or product you want to market. There are thousands of merchants that have affiliate programs. This means you sign up, find the product you want to promote, and get special links and banners that include your special code, so that any sales made are designated to you.
3. Create a blog or website about your topic of interest, add compelling content that contains
information your visitors want, and insert your text links and banners on your blog or site.
4. Write articles, create Squidoo lenses and Hubpages, post on forums and perhaps try a few PPC ads to see how your product converts. If you make a few sales, add to your promotion efforts.
These are just a few methods people use to make money with this highly popular method.
There are tons of other things you can do, such as creating backlinks through directories and joining social networking sites. It may sound overwhelming, but it really isn't once you get started.
If you are ready to start making money from your home like many others do, this is the easiest way to get started. It requires very little to no money, just the cost of a domain name and hosting if you want your own website. This should help answer the question "how does affiliate marketing work?". You can find details at our site, and get started today! There is no easier way to make money from home. (by Tess Tackett)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

e-commerce - by krish purnawarman

One of the first question from my experience in dealing with businesses that want to start an online shopping store is to define the real business were actually in. I started a an online cigarette store and an online jewelry store and actually found out things I wouldnt have possibly found out if I didnt actually experienced it. Anyways, if you want to start an ecommerce business consider these factors;
Do you have a brick and mortar business already that will go along with the online form of the business? If you have then you may want to start making some (like possibly 20 to 50) of your products online and then keep changing it until you understand the online trend - this ofcourse after you've done marketing on it, cause without marketing, you will never get any traffic to your site. Online marketing your site would be the most sensible way of getting traffic to your site and I can suggest something thats fast and easy traffic generator and that is the SEM (Search engine marketing) via add placements through bidding positions in Googles and Yahoo pay per click section (Adwords and Overture Yahoo search marketing)
Are your products tangible or intangible ? This is important cause intangible (non physical products) distribution online is different to tangible physical products - consider packaging, shipping, weighing hassles. Moreover, If youre in Indonesia, its almost impossible to connect a third party payment processor to your site when selling intangible products. The only way is to make an internet merchant account outside of Indonesia and possibly linking it through verisign and thawte for authentication and encryption technology. If youre selling tangle products consider your self more lucky since you could always integrate your CC payment online through payment processors (2checkout, paysystems) and not having to worry about scripting the connectors and having the hassle of needing to make an internet merchant account. The discount fee is also affordable in payment processors, for example, 2checkout offers a 5% discount and less than 1% charge for every sale that you make online.
Size,Texture and other elements.. If you have tangible products, you may also want to consider how many unique products including variations in size, texture, and other features that you want to offer. Ofcourse you should always weigh each products and measure its dimensions (both packaged and unpackaged) so that you will have data for shipping purposes later on and for customer reference.
Different pricing, Dynamic or HTML static website ..Then I think you will need to determine if different groups of customers will see different pricing on the same items. This is related to whether youre going to offer special promotional pricing, seasonal sales or other forms of temporary pricing or volume discounts maybe?,, rebates? pricing variations. All these confidential pricing variations would almost always means you need to create a dynamic website as oppose to html static site.
Channel distribution .Remeber also that if you already own an offline channel distribution for your product, your product shown on the internet (if you have a high search engine positioning placements on some critical traffic keywords) you may just create an unwanted conflict for your business. I reckon you should make sure you address your pricing strategies to make sure you dont go cutting your distribution channel with an online venture.
Navigation ? I forgot to mention about the website and its navigation. This is one of the most important elements that your customers will remember. Whether or not they can easily navigate through the website to find what theyre looking for will also be a determinant of your online business success. I truely think that the more fun you can make this process the more often your customer is likely to return.
Customer Dialogue to reduce chargebacks and cancellations. When youre business is online, remember the 24/7 component of the business. This means you will be open for business for 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. The part where you have to answer questions from customers and assiting customers not to mention if there is a complaint will never stop. You must determine how you will respond to all sorts of customer questions regardless of the medium. Who will answer emails, accept phone calls, faxes snail mails etc. The way to go about solving this to make written policies and procedures for handling customer complaints, or integrate a e-CRM (for instance,, or/and a CIM(, system on your site. if you don't care about this part, I gurantee you will get alot of chargebacks, cancellations and returns. More about this later...
Cart.. ?Another important element is order processing. This has to do with the website having a shopping cart and all. (if not a shopping cart then it should be be basket or something in that form)
Shipping expenses and terms and conditions..?, I am sure you will agree with me that none of your customer or anybody shopping online will put up with calculating their shipping cost. So It is important to offer a customer a full itemized list of the cost involved in each sale, with a clear listing of teh currency involved, terms of delivery or performance, and terms and conditions, cancellations.
Credit card payment - think about ways of accepting payments. I mentioned this above on the payment processor part. This is always possible and easy to do.
Fraud checking and Validation, I dont know if you realize this... or you will only be able to realise this if youve actually experienced being a merchant of an online store. What ever happens a merchant is always in the lossing side of a bad transactions. There was a case from my client, where a customer who had actually received a product told the bank to cancel the transaction and the customer didnt ever need to resend back the product thus my client who happens to be the merchant at that time, lost it all on that transaction. This is just one case, there are alot more...Anyways, the merchant looses in any case unless you prevent these kind of things to happen. So implement a really good fraud prevention and checking, both manually and automatically.
Product Availability, when you launch your site I strongly suggest that you offer only those products that are in your immediate inventory.
Back orders preparations. You will also realise that at times there will be times when your products or items that had just been purchased online will be out of stock. So what happens? you will have to notify the customer that this item can be back ordered, or you may have to offer a substitution. Read on other sites or search on 30 days e-commerce, there are rules you will have to follow when doing this, cause if you don't and youre using a payment processor, you may loose your internet merchant account from the payment processor. That is why, did I tell you why I chose cigarettes as a product to sell?.. the reason was at that time, it was all availble everywhere...I had one shop located in front of my house where I use to buy before shipping them.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

EMAIL MARKETING - by Krish Purnawarman

Email marketing is the most immediate and cost-effective way to generate revenue, build brands and strengthen customer relationships. In fact, with the right email marketing tools, all we need is a web browser and a few minutes to deliver graphically rich, professional-looking campaigns or just even a text campaign will do
There are 2 MAIN types of email marketing, permission based email marketing and the spider or automatic generated email marketing. The permission based email addresses are usually build up by professional email marketing company who takes many years to prepare leads email addresses to accept email campaigns but it can also be generated by the website it self once the visitors register them selves to accept email news letters, this is what we will do later for the CRM part. The spidered email marketing, where the email address database comes from a spidered captured email
The left hand side present database of emails generated by spiders that must be filtered to become real leads once a reply is produced from email sent. The permission based email is already claimed to be leads and will not be filtered.
An email management console is used (provided by to track hits,USD 250 per month to send outs 50,000 email addresses
The email addresses is purchased from trusted vendors like infoUSA and Canada joined with Yahoo in 2003 as the premier provider of business and consumer mailing lists, sales leads & databases. In the articles it says that infoUSA,. is the only company that compiles business and consumer data under one roof and infoUSA makes over 20 million phone calls per year verifying the accuracy of their business data.
220 Million Consumers Available by Age, Estimated Income, Estimated Home Value and Other Selects.
5.2 Million New Homeowners New homeowners spend 200% more within the first year of buying their home.
15.6 Million New Movers These new movers need your services and have money to spend.
Prices typically range from $.50 per name.Another email address database provider is from email marketing company that can provide 47,000 email leads for USD 200 per one website